• Feldenkrais – Korean Accredited Professional Training Program
    Now you have the opportunity to study the Method in Seoul Korea
  • Feldenkrais – Korean Accredited Professional Training Program
    Now you have the opportunity to study the Method in Seoul Korea
  • Feldenkrais – Korean Accredited Professional Training Program
    Now you have the opportunity to study the Method in Seoul Korea

Feldenkrais Method®

Feldenkrais guild is the international organization to educate and train Feldenkrais professional throughout Europe, North America and Australia (including Asia). Trainee will attain the qualification of Practitioner after 4 years of training. And after qualification one can perform (teach) as Feldenkrais Practitioner throughout the world.

In the Asia region, Feldenkrais guild in Japan has made their education for 15 years in Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka and one in Taipei, Taiwan has done from last year. Now we are very pleased to welcome you to join the first Feldenkrais international guild here in Seoul. Korea!

 Australia Guild Website

What is Feldenkrais Method®?

The Feldenkrais Training Seoul International is open to anyone in interested in learning the Feldenkrais Method® for either personal or professional reasons. This Guild is world largest Feldenkrais Guild based on Member Organizations around the world. This workshop In Korea planned to introduce this guild to you. Also this is beginning of 1st Korea Feldenkrais practitioner course. This is not mandatory so you can just come to take this course for fun. You will get to experience this original Feldenkrais method® throughout this course. I hope everyone enjoys.

The training is planned to be in a supportive atmosphere, providing students a safe ground to explore and experience the new processes and challenges facing them, and enable them self- discovery and growth that is an important part of the Feldenkrais learning. The program is structured to be carried out 3 times yearly. Ruty Bar and Anat Krivine, would like to present to you our new initiative to open a new Feldenkrais Professional Training Program in Seoul, S. Korea.
So Jung Park from Seoul will take personal responsibility for the program’s administration.


“Movement is life, life is a process,
Improve the quality of process and you improve the quality is life itself”

– Moshe Feldenkrais –


한국 국제공인 펠든크라이스 전문가 과정

About F.P.T.P

Accredited Feldenkrais Training in Seoul, Korea.
Feldenkrais Professional Training Program(F.P.T.P)

Professional Training in the Feldenkrais Method® will open a new world of personal development and self-empowerment, improving your health and quality of life. In this four year program you will also become a Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and gain a profession in high demand.

Ruty has been practicing and teaching the Feldenkrais Method® for more than 30 years. She received her first lessons from Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais. She is known for her ability to create an inspiring learning environment which supports your somatic learning process, encouraging you to rediscover your personal resources and transfer them into your daily life. Ruty Bar on YouTube.

This will enable you to open your own Feldenkrais Method® practice, teach Awareness Through Movement® lessons to groups and give hands-on Functional Integration® sessions to individuals.



There will be extended sessions for 1/2 ~ 1 hours per day during the segments.



Duteopbawi-ro 60-gil 49, Yonhsan-gu,
Seoul, Republic of Korea

Application and Inquiry

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Ruty and Anat, sharing the Educational Director role.

The training is planned to be in a supportive atmosphere, providing students a safe ground to explore and experience the new processes and challenges facing them, and enable them self- discovery and growth that is an important part of the Feldenkrais learning.
The program is structured to be carried out 3 times yearly.

Ruty Bar M.A

Education Director / Trainer

Ruty Bar is a Trainer and an Educational Director in the Feldenkrais Method.
Ruty graduated from the Rubin Academy of Dance and Music in Jerusalem, and then went on to earn a Masters Degree in Movement Therapy from Lesley University in Boston. Her Master’s Thesis was an in-depth study of the mind-body connection, and looked at applying the Feldenkrais Method to treat people with special needs.
As a young woman Ruty received many Functional Integration lessons from Dr. Feldenkrais, and her encounters with him led her to join the first IFF sponsored training program in Tel-Aviv in 1984.
Ruty is a Trainer in the Feldenkrais Method and teaches in courses and workshops all around the world. She is also the Educational Director of the Feldenkrais Training Programs in Tel-Aviv (Israel), Athens (Greece), Florence (Italy) and Kyoto (Japan).


Anat Krivine M.A

Education Director / Trainer

ANAT KRIVINE was born in a Kibbutz in Israel. She graduated from her basic Feldenkrais training in 1988 in Tel Aviv, and is an international Feldenkrais trainer. She graduated from Jerusalem Dance Academy in 1986, holds a degree in Social Science and a Master of Arts in Dance Education from Temple University in Philadelphia. She has worked in the children department in Jerusalem hospital, and teaches ATM and FI for a large public, working with both adults and children.
Anat teaches as a trainer for 17 years in Israel, Italy, Japan, Spain, Germany, Greece, as well as other trainings and advanced workshops around the world.
Anat is appreciated for her teaching style characterized by clarity and precision, as well as her capacity to create a stimulating learning environment of generosity, humor and profoundness.

David Zemach-Bersin


David Zemach-Bersin, co-founder of the Feldenkrais® Institute of New York, is one of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais’ original American students. He studied with Dr. Feldenkrais from 1973-1984 in the U.S., Europe, and at the Feldenkrais Institute in Tel Aviv, Israel.
David is one of the world’s foremost Feldenkrais teachers and trainers. For over 35 years, David has been involved with the development of the Feldenkrais Method®. He co-founded Feldenkrais Resources in 1983, with Elizabeth Beringer, and the Feldenkrais Institute of New York in 2005, with Marek Wyszynski. He also co-founded the Feldenkrais Research Foundation in 2007, a non-profit supporting scientific research on The Feldenkrais Method. David is a former President and Training Accreditation Board Member of The Feldenkrais Guild of North America.
David is an enthusiastic and experienced teacher. He directs Feldenkrais Method Training Programs in New York City, and Baltimore. He also teaches in programs in California and Europe, and offers popular post-graduate courses for Feldenkrais practitioners. For almost 40 years, David has maintained a private practice working with a diverse population including people with movement limitations, neurological problems, children, seniors, performing artists, and people with chronic pain. David is an Honors graduate of UC Berkeley, with extensive post-graduate work in physiological psychology, and is the co-author of Relaxercise (HarperCollins), a popular introduction to The Feldenkrais Method. He has created a variety of Feldenkrais audio programs.

Ilan Jacobson


Ilan graduated from Chava Shelhav’s training in 1992. For many years he has gained experience in a number of trainings as an assistant trainer, in Israel, Germany and Norway – while concurrently working in his own practice in Tel-Aviv. Since 2012 Ilan is a Feldenkrais trainer, teaching in Israel and Europe.

Scott Clark


Scott Clark has a busy practice, seeing a wide variety of people, including people with sports injuries, musicians & dancers, and ordinary people dealing with the ordinary tensions of life, looking for a way of living more fully.
Halfway through a mathematics degree, Scott started studying dance – a little late! Trying to make up for lost time, he looked at any way possible to speed up his ability to learn movement: He studied Labanotation and Laban Theory in general, Alexander, Lu Lu Sweigard, he got Rolfed, and then finally found Feldenkrais. And that discovery was a life-changer for him. At first, he used Feldenkrais as a way of keeping himself in working order whilst pursuing a career as a dancer, then to help others learn more easily when he taught dance, now his current project is organizing his second professional Feldenkrais training programme, that started in London in August 2016.

Sojung Park

Program Organizing Manager

Sojung Park is Feldenkrais Professional who can give dance lecture of combined Somatic based Feldenkrais Method. She finished the course study of MI(Movement Intelligent) from Ruthy Alon and got certification of MBS(Mind Body Study) from Mia Segal. And from year 2017, she is working as Program Organizing Manager of International Feldenkrais Professional Program in Korea which is the first Feldenkrais Professional course in Korea. She has been teaching Feldenkrais Method to ordinary people since 2010 and help them understand life itself can be the way of dance. And she continues working on Feldenkrais Method on her own creative way to connect movement with ecology eventually.

Feldenkrais Professional Training Program

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